Elvis Presley
"someone said that the world's a stage and each must play a part"
Stage Hire
We believe in finding the balance between aesthetics and function. Made in Germany, our Nivtec stage is just that, solid as they come and the perfect look for corporate or rock n roll. Play your part, rise above the pack and get in touch today to hire one of our impeccably engineered and attractive stages.

Each piece of Nivtec staging interlocks with another providing a sturdy support system for all purposes whilst looking professional and cohesive with any environment. The standard Nivtek stage pieces are 2 x 1 metres, however 1 x 1 metre, 2 x 0.5 metre, 1 x 0.5 metre as well as other non standard sizes are also available making Nivtec one of the most flexile staging options.